DCB History

The Digital Content Broadcasting study program has an undergraduate level (S1) with a graduate profile who has knowledge and expertise in research, production design, and business management based on television, film and other audio-visual content by utilizing digital media technology. In line with the Telkom University Strategic Plan in 2019, the Digital Content Broadcasting Study Program was submitted to DIKTI through an establishment permit at Kopertis to become part of the realization of the institution’s strategic plan in its contribution to the nation and state. The Digital Content Broadcasting Study Program is also an institutional effort to face the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the global business era, which demands the readiness of human resources who have professionalism and the ability to compete, on a national and international scale.

It is hoped that the establishment of the Bachelor of Digital Content Broadcasting study program will provide benefits to all related parties, in particular to provide relevant knowledge and skills for the younger generation who are interested in becoming practitioners in the field of digital content broadcasting.

This Digital Content Broadcasting Undergraduate Study Program provides educational services that highlight the ability to process digital content, where the field of Digital Content Broadcasting is based on the science of communication in the context of new media or digital media. In today’s digital era, the scientific field of broadcasting is something that needs to be developed and maintained because it has an important role for civilization, as stated in the New World encyclopedia:

“The concept and ability of broadcasting to convey the same information, whether announcements of current events, educational material or simply entertainment, to a worldwide audience simultaneously, is a great advance in allowing humankind to overcome long-standing barriers”

The digital era has contributed to the various changes that are happening right now. As is known, the development of digital media technology is very rapid and greatly influences the scientific field, especially the field of broadcasting. It is predicted that in the next 10 years, new professions in digital content management will emerge as well as demands for multitasking skills in the audio visual field. Graduates of S1 Digital Content Broadcasting are expected to be able to compete in mastering this field.

In addition, with the emergence of various digital-based independent businesses that require professionals who have multitasking skills, graduates of the Bachelor of Digital Content Broadcasting are expected to contribute to the development of a digital-based broadcasting business (digital broadcastpreneur).

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